Brewery / by Admin

What do we know about a brewery?

This brewery is located on a 100 acre historic Monkton farm.

It is a farm brewery. 

Why this brewery matter?

Like a farm restaurant whose menu ingredients are from their farm; a farm brewery makes and sells beer from the ingredients grown on the same farm.

This farm brewery (Inverness brewery) harvested 600 hops plants. While "farm to table" is famous, Inverness's "crop to keg" is making the trend.

More sustainable credits:

[SITES].Human Health and Well-being 6.7: Provide on-site food production. 

  • Provide for 0n-site food production, including vegetable gardens or edible nut and fruit-bearing plants appropriate to the site.

    Option 2: Food production and regular distribution

[LEED ND]. NPD: Local food production

  • Establish covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&R) or other forms of deed restrictions stating that the growing of produce is not prohibited in project areas, including greenhouses, any portion of residential front, rear, or side yards; or balconies, patios, or rooftops. Greenhouses but not gardens may be prohibited in front yards that faces the circulation network.

  • Option 2: Community Supported Agriculture- Purchase shares in an community supported agriculture program located within 150 miles of the project site for at least 80 % of dwelling units within the project.

By the way…

  • Place such as farm brewery is also a perfect case to get credit on [SITES] Human Health +Well-Being 6.6: Support social connection. By simply providing outdoor seating for a minimum of 10% of the total site users, your project can also earn [LEED ND] innovation credit with the same strategy.

  • Like this “this-is”? Check out a similar blog “Being an Agritourist at Inverness Brewery“ and learn more of green thinking.

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