Pond / by Admin

What do we know about a pond?

A pond is a small body of still water that is formed naturally or artificially. It requires a dedicated large ground surface area to contain deeper water. Therefore, ponds and wet basins are good elements to manage stormwater runoff in various environmental settings. 

Why does a pond matter?

A well-designed pond can effectively provide water quality treatment, flow attenuation and offer aesthetic-pleasing amenities. 

Throughout history, water in a landscape provides restorative experience and reflection. Such features may promote healing, stress reduction, and work productivity. Other than offering wellness benefits to human beings, they also provide additional habitat for wildlife. 

More sustainable credits:

[SITES]. Water 3.5: Design functional stormwater features as amenities

That applies to stormwater features that only use precipitation as their source of water and that function as a stormwater management element.

1-Ensure site precipitation is treated as an amenity in the way it is received, conveyed, and managed on-site for at least:

  • 50% of stormwater features

  • 100% stormwater features

2-Ensure the section of the site maintenance plan is completed.