Montgomery County began to operate a Bus Rapid System at the end of the pandemic. The recent US 29 Mobility and Reliability Study from Montgomery County reminded us again of this quote from Enrique Penalosa.
Enrique Peñalosa, a former mayor of Bogotá, once said this inspiring quote.
Why is it inspiring? Because, as a follower of the happiness economy, he understood the urban happiness cycle: only the city that respects human beings can expect its residents to cherish the city in return.
During his terms, he worked on Bogotá Alameda El Porvenir; the paved promenade was reserved for pedestrians and cyclists while cars were assigned to the edge. This strategy may not seem feasible in other parts of the world while car ownership prevails.
However, most studies have shown that 68% of the world population will live in urban areas by 2050. Integrating our Land Use and Transit becomes an inevitable topic of growing our cities smartly.
How could LEED ND help?
As a city grows, ample public transportation choices not only increase land value but also make sustainable growth. These choices include public bike-sharing, public-run shuttles, buses, metro rails, etc. But the most effective way to let more people use public transit is to locate a project close to quality transit. Several metrics in LEED ND are standardized to help projects reach sustainable goals.
LT Credit: Access to Quality Transit
What is considered a "Quality Transit"? in LEED ND, a quality transit is measured by its minimum daily service. A project served by multiple transit types (bus, streetcar, rail, or ferry) with a certain amount of weekday trips and weekend trips are considered to be quality transits.
Minimum daily transit for projects with multiple transit types (bus, streetcar, rail or ferry)
Minimum daily transit for projects with commuter or ferry service ONLY
These transit options also need to be accessible to the project. Some requirements are following.
Locate at least 50% of dwelling units and non-residential use entrances within a 1/4 mile walking distance of at least one bus or streetcar stop.
Locate a project within a 1/2 mile walking distance of at least one bus, streetcar, or rideshare stops
Locate a project within a 1/2 mile walking distance of a bus rapid transit stop, light rail, metro rail station, or commuter ferry terminals.
By the way…
Fast Facts on Montgomery County’s Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) network.
Dive deeper US 29 related study via YouTube:
US 29 Mobility and Reliability Study Project Finding
Public Meeting Old Columbia Pike Prosperity Drive Improvements
Check out reference case study on Arlington’s Metro Rail system and Montgomery County’s Bus Rapid System.
According to "Hidden in Plain Sight: Capturing the Demand for Housing Near Transit,": more than 14.6 million households are expected to prefer housing within a half-mile of a rail-transit stop by 2025; that number is more than double the number of households living in these locations today.
"Why buses represent democracy in action." Enrique Peñalosa, TEDCity2.0