Image edited from the web
Everything has a price, from $1 hot dog to $100 concert ticket. We are living in a world that seems everything can be traded and everything can be identified with it’s worth. But how about creativity? Can creativity be charged? Or how creativity is charged?
What you see the image above are all tea pots: white teapot, purple teapot, glass teapot, tea pot with texture, teapot with flowers…. What if all those different tea pot offer the same price, which one you will buy? Will you buy the one that makes better tea? Or buy the one that has your favorite color?
If you see a pumpkin shape teapot with purple flower pattern and a golden detailing line at the edge. Let’s assume you love that teapot. Are you willing to pay double the average teapot price just to own that teapot?
Or, what if you disgust that silly pumpkin shape, dislike the purple flower pattern and not even mention its redundant golden detailing. Are you willing to own it if the vender gave you half of the average teapot price?
So, if we put an equation of designed teapot to be [Creativity of Teapot = pumpkin shape with purple flower pattern and a golden detailing line at the edge.] How much is that “creativity” part value to you?
At the end of the day, will creativity be valued like Mastercard’s commercial?