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In this blog, we talked about the creativity measurement by points. Now, let’s look into how to maximize those point in a real urban site scenario.
I generated a creativity scorecard based on Montgomery county’s recent Incentive Density Implementation Guidelines regarding Commercial/Residential and Employment Zones. The guideline was first issued in September 2017.
From that we can tell that CR zone has the most possibility to get the maximum point (607 points excluding those points require formula calculation) among all LSC, EOF, CRT zones. It is because CR zone can have the potential to get maximum 70 points in Major Public Facility and 30 points in Advance Dedication.
Let’s imagine, if there is site that 1. offers some kind of park/recreation center (“Major Public Facility” for maximum 70 points), 2. have dedication for master-planned right of way (“Advance Dedication” for maximum 30 points), 3. At CR zone (most of CR zone are along major arterial, see image below); that project immediately score potential 100 points, which is almost 16% of the total points it can be reached.
If the project team cares about art and interested in placemaking, they probably can score the maximum 115 points under “Quality Building and Site Design” category, which is another 20% of total points that can be scored.
If the project team also want to enhance green environment, with calculated planning strategy, another potential 100- 140 points under “Protection and Enhancement of the Natural Environment” can be scored. That increase total points for another 22%!
If you are interested in how Creativity Scorebook could help you maximize those points in your projects, see future blogs.
Notes and References:
Image excerpt from from Montgomery county website. Images shows the distribution of various zones: CR (Red color), CRT(Peach color), EOF (Purple color), LSC (Light pink color).Color legend please refer to Montgomery County Website)