Apple / by Admin

Image credit: The Boston Calendar Blog

What do we know about apple?

  • Apple, one of American's favorite tree-fruit, is in season now (August-October).

  • According to USDA’s Noncitrus Fruits and Nuts summary, apple’s average annual production (2019-2021) remains 5 million tons. It is the second largest fruit production, following grapes (approx. 6.3 million tons).

  • Apple-picking is seasonal intense labor activity- as many fruits must be plucked from their trees during a tiny seasonal window and every single one needs to be harvest individually by hand.

Why apple-picking matters?

According to CDC’s data, mental health conditions worsen during pandemic:

  • 31% of anxiety and depression.

  • 26% trauma or stress- related disorder.

  • 13% increased substance abuse.

What if we provide more on-site food production?

According to researches, community gardening improves people’s quality of life by providing a catalyst for neighborhood and community development. Those catalysts could stimulate social connection; encourage self-resilience; beautify neighborhood; provide food security; conserve resources; and create opportunities for recreation exercise, therapy and education.

Where to Pick Apples?



More sustainable credits:

[SITES]. Human Health + Well-Being 6.7: provide on-site food production

  • Provide for on-site food production including vegetable gardens or edible nut and fruit-bearing plants appropriate to the site.

[LEED ND]. NPD: Local food production

  • Establish covenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&R) or other forms of deed restrictions stating that the growing of produce is not prohibited in project areas, including greenhouses, any portion of residential front, rear, or side yards; or balconies, patios, or rooftops. Greenhouses but not gardens may be prohibited in front yards that faces the circulation network.

  • Option1: Neighborhood Gardens-Dedicate permanent and viable growing space or related facilities within the project.

By the way…

  • Interested to learn more the economic and social benefit of community food production? check out Past results and future directions in urban community gardens research“ by Guitart, D, C. Pickering and J. Byrne. (Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 11, 4:364-373).

    “Community Gardening: A Parsimonious Path to Individual, Community, and Environmental Resilience,” by Okvat, H.A., and A.J. Zautra. (American Journal of Community Psychology 47,3:374-387).

    “The Influence of Social Involvement, Neighborhood Aesthetics, and Community Garden Participation on Fruit and Vegetable Consumption,“ by Litt, J.S., M.J. Soobader, M.S. Turbin, J.W.Hale, M. Buchenau and J.A. Marshall. (American Journal of Public Health 101,8:1466).

  • If you are interested in 2022 apple’s production, USDA will conduct a forecast survey for 2022 fruit production inquiry (apples and peaches) during August 2022.

  • There might be a future for our contemporary farm/agriculture neighborhood, so you don’t need to drive far. Check out Agrihoods-Cultivating Best Practices“ from ULI.

  • Background music @Music For Studying

Last updates: 7.26.2022