Image credit: Aoi care center official website
Intergenerational Program Modality: Co-Location Vs. Visitation
In the last article, we mentioned two modalities of the intergenerational program: the co-location model, in which aged care and child care are located on the same premises. The other is the visitation model.
AOI Care is the latter one: the visitation model.
Unconventional Care Program
The "traditional" way of taking care of the elderly in Asia was for the elderly to live with the eldest son's family. Today, like in many European countries, the elderlies live independently or in health/medical-care centers. AOI Care is located in Fujisawa, 50 kilometers (about 31 miles) south of Tokyo. It is a retirement home with connections between generations at the center of its operations.
Unlike those senior housing in the United States with noticeable signage and security gate, the AOI center is tucked inside a low-rise residential neighborhood. Their building also has a very modest look you can barely notice from the street.
This care center consists of two sections: first, a residential area with a capacity for seven elderly adults coping with dementia, and second, an “open section” where the seniors can visit and stay for a short period if they want to.
The "open section" for the AOI care program space is individualized, multifunctional, and with community cares. Because this portion of the center is open 24 hours, the seniors can come and go at any time but are treated in a "home "kind of care environment. They come to visit their neighbors or friends with the same senior generation but get cared for by the professional caretaker in the center.
Neighborhood-Oriented Facility
Access to quality transit
The center helps seniors’ productivity and ensures their independence within an intergenerational environment. Daily life in AOI Care also puts a priority on helping the elderly to participate in their surrounding neighborhood.
In contrast to most retirement housing in the United States which is located in the quieter suburbs and relies on a scheduled shuttle bus to take residents around, the AOI care center is not at a remote or isolated location. It was built close to the public transportation- a bus top is on the principal street.
Walkability in the neighborhood
The project also benefits from the diverse and walkable neighborhood. As you can see from the map, there are already nine essential services within 1/8 mile from the geographic center of this project. In addition, the resident could enjoy more than thirteen vital services and almost one acre of open space at a nearby public park, within 1/4 mile from the project. There is also a nursery just a minute away from the center (no.3 on the map).
Flexible visitation modal
Unlike other intergenerational programs with fixed schedules for joint activities, the elderlies in AOI Care are free to plan their daily activities. Care center management makes contacting children easier by letting female employees at the care center take their kids with them to the care facility. Seniors in AOI Care also get connected with children from the streets. Let them come to make tea with the seniors or to play catch-ball. This joint initiative helps children to develop new skills and get used to interacting with the seniors. On their side, these elderlies feel included in the neighborhoods and as part of their longevity secret.
Legend: [Civic & Community Facilities]: 1. Place of worship, 2. Recreation Center, 3. Child Care (Nursery), 4. Community Center. [Other Basic of Services]: 5. Book Store, 6.Café, 7.Grocery Store, 8. Bike Shop 9. Hair salon,10. Restaurant 11. Thrift Store 12.Convenient Store, 13. Hardware Store
Last update: 8.08.2022
Notes and References:
This video shows how the daily life looks like inside the AOI center. For other similar types of care centers, check out Japan Aging-Oldyssey.
Here is an example of a co-location model at Providence Mount St. Vincent, West Seattle. Check out this video about their daily program at the facility: Senior home brings young and old together.
When implementing a visitation model, the project's location is critical to the success of how the local community interacts with senior residents. Based on LEED Neighborhood Development guidelines, one of the "Smart Location" principles is locating the project near existing uses. Such as, there are at least five uses within 1/4 mile walking distance of the project boundary. (You can find those primary uses types and categories from Criterion Planners, Index Neighborhood Completeness Indicator, 2005)