14th Street Corridor

14th Street Corridor Map.png

The one-mile long 14th street corridor which ranges from Logan circle to Florida avenue, falls under zone ARTS-3. This zone intends to permit medium density mixed-use development and focuses on expanding employment. The placemaking strategy intends to bring pedestrians multiple rest spots and attractions along the this one-mile walk. The major four focal intersections are P Street, S Street, U Street, and Florida Ave NW. These selected intersections are designed according to the locale's history, art and, cultural characteristics.

Did you know? any projects located on this corridor (between metro stop U street and McPherson Sq) could be considered a site with pedestrian access? A pedestrian network means there are continuous sidewalks and crosswalks. Pedestrian networks must extend at at least one-mile in order to get SITES credit.

Moreover, one of economic benefits of a site within walking distance of public transportation include reduced costs for parking, gasoline, and car maintenance. According to American Public Transportation Association, this can save an individual over $9,000 per year. Those events, facilities, amenities and programming hosted along this corridor that available to the public would also provide social benefits to the local community.